Naughty Paheli in Urdu Hindi always prefer to bring you quality latest interesting and difficult urdu paheliyan with answers. This naughty paheli will expose that if you have a dirty mind or not. You can send this naughty urdu paheli to your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend to see if they have a ganda (dirty) mind or not.
Diclaimer: This Riddle has a clean answer. If you get uncomfortable. Please leave the page.

Fun Fact: Use your common sense to answer this Paheli. Jawab is brain teaser ka 110% hai clean. Kuch bhi dirty sochnay ki zaroorat nahi hai. Is terhan ke questions Brain Intenstive, Behavior Oriented jobs interviews mein pochay jatay hain.

Wo konsa kam hai jisko karnay se pehlay sab log apnay full kapray urarty hain?

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Bathing. (Nahanay ke liye)

kya karnay se pehlay sab log kapray utarty hain- dirty riddle with answer

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Ladkiyon Ki Paheliyan

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